Past Concert
The South Jersey Choral Directors' Association has a proud history of serving students and music educators of Region III South Jersey since 1958. The founding members of the Association were:
Florian Douglas (Clearview High School)
Nelson Muschek (Audubon High School)
Jane M. Stetler (Merchantville Schools)
Edgard C. Thomas, Jr. (Hightstown Schools)
Edgard L. Wallace (Collingswood High School)
In addition, these founders enjoyed the support and cooperation of many of their colleagues in Southern New Jersey who saw the clear need for an organization of this caliber. The Founders Scholarship honors those members who first envisioned the establishment of this organization and all who have served the Association since it was founded in 1958.
SJCDA was originally cooperatively affiliated with the South Jersey Bandmasters' Association, performing combined concerts of orchestral and choral music.
1st Annual South Jersey High School Symphony Orchestra & Chorus Concert
Lakewood High School
January 24, 1959
John Jaquish, Orchestra Conductor
Star Spangled Banner Key
Overture to Oberon von Weber
Ebb Tide Maxwell
First Suite from Carmen Bizet
Entrance of the Boyards Halvorsen
Danny Boy Traditional
Selections from My Fair Lady Loewe
Edgar Wallace, Choral Conductor (Collingswood High School)
Lowell Ayers, Accompanist (Vineland High School)
O Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly J.S. Bach
O Sacred Head Hassler
Hodie, Christus Natus Est Willan
Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair Appalacian Folk Song
I Hear A Voice A-Prayin' Bright
He's Gone Away Southern Mountain Song
Combined Orchestra & Chorus Finale
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Luther
The orchestra and choral directors later chose to separate the performances and orchestral music came under the supervision of this new organization, now recognized as the South Jersey Band & Orchestra Directors Association (SJBODA).
Past Programs
Click on a year below for the ASJ choral programs performed for that year.
Information listed is pulled directly from the archived program booklets.
For a full list of all repertoire done, click here:
2nd Annual South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Atlantic City High School
January 23, 1960
Nelson H. Muschek, Conductor (Audubon High School)
Lowell Ayers, Accompanist (Vineland High School)
Star Spangled Banner Key
Praise to the Lord Arr. Shaw
Breath of God Sateren
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Arr. Christiansen
The Falcon Gerrish
Elijah Rock arr. Hairston
The Ballad of Brotherhood Wagner
The Last Words of David Thompson
3rd Annual South Jersey High Chorus Concert
Haddonfield Memorial High School
January 21, 1961
Lowell C. Ayars, Conductor (Vineland High School)
Accompanist unkown
Star Spangled Banner Key
Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee J.S. Bach
Rest in the Lord My Soul Riley
Hospodi Pomilui Lvov
Go Song of Mine Cookson
Lonesome Road Arr. Lynn
Roots and Leaves Williams
Plenty Good Room Arr. Ehret
Turn Back O Man Holst
4th Annual South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Burlington Junior High School
January 20, 1962
Mirium Gilbert Hoffmeister, Conductor (Woodrow Wilson High School)
Lorrene Crane, Accompanist (Cherry Hill Township Schools)
Behold Now! Praise the Lord Titcomb
O Bone Jesu Palestrina
Laudamuste Mueller
Steal Away Arr. Sowande
Just As the Tide Was Flowing Vaughn Williams
Peace Comes to Me Murray
Comin' Thru the Rye Arr. Harry Simeone
Gloria in Excelsis W.A. Mozart
1963 Inaugural year for the Junior High Chorus Festival
5th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Moorestown Senior High School
January 19, 1963
Clarence W. Miller, Conductor (Glassboro State College)
Accompanist unknown
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Surely He hath Borne Our Griefs Lotti
Hosanna from Mass of the Holy Trinity Thompson
A Little White Hen Scandello
Song of Praise Sitton
Go Down Death Scott
The Inch Worm Loesser
I Got Rhythm Gershwin
Servant and Master Am I Rosendo E. Santos
(Premiere Performance)
All South Jersey Seventh, Eighth, Ninth Grade Choral Festival
Clearview Regional High School
April 20, 1963
Chester Cable, Conductor (Merchantville High School)
Sandra Schlitz, Accompanist (Merchantville High School)
The National Anthem Key
Mighty Lord, Thy Faithfulness Abideth Lotti
How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair Brahms-Runkle
Joshua Fit de Battle ob Jericho Arr. Cain
Hymn to the Four Freedoms Davidson
Sourwood Mountain Arr. Scholin
Climb Ev'ry Mountain Arr. Smith
1964 Missing Jr High Festival Program
6th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Vineland Senior High School
January 18, 1964
Edgar C. Thomas, Conductor (Hightstown High School)
Accompanist unknown
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Crucifixus from Mass in B Minor J.S. Bach
Choose Something Like A Star from Frostiana Thompson
Ching-A-Ring-Chaw Copland
In the Still of the Night Porter
My Heart Doth Beg You'll Not Forget DiLasso
Polly-Wolly-Doodle Kubick
Old Abram Brown Britten
Zadok the Priest Handel
2nd Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Choral Festival
No info on this event
7th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Millville Senior High School
January 16, 1965
RuthAnn Harrison, Conductor (Trenton State College)
Joan Bastian, Accompanist (Sterling Regional High School)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
O Vos Omnes Victoria
Three Psalms (XX, LXXXIV, and CXXI) Schutz
Little Bird, Little Bird Kubik
Valliant-For-Truth Vaughn Williams
Our Father from For the Time Being Marvin David Levy
3rd Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Choral Festival
Bridgeton High School
April 20, 1963
Charles Higgins, Conductor
Marion Wallen, Accompanist (Bridgeton Junior High School)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Gloria W.A. Mozart
Sanctus Schubert
Sun Don't Set in the Morning Papp
If You Were the Only Girl Ayer
Li'l Liz, I Love You Higgins
No Man Is An Island Whitney-Kramer
Battle Hymn of the Republic Steffe
8th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Sterling High School
January 22, 1966
Robert E. Page, Conductor (Temple University)
(Accompanist unknown)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Hymns and Fuguing Tunes Arr. Behrend
David's Lamentation Billings-Siegmeister
O Magnify the Lord With Me Lynn
Wedding Cantata Pinkham
Three Quatrains Bright
No Mark Effinger
Was'n' That A Wonder Barker
Two Wings Chambers
Glory Rimsky-Korsakoff
4th Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Choral Festival
Washington Township High School
March 26, 1966
Florian Douglass, Conductor (Clearview High School)
William Shimmin, Accompanist
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Honor And Glory J.S. Bach
Ave Verum W.A. Mozart
O Brother Man Ringwald
Sit Down Servant Shaw
Old Abram Brown Britten
The Sound of Music Arr. Warnick
9th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Burlington Junior High School
January 21, 1967
Ivan Trusler, Conductor (Bowling Green State University)
Accompanist unknown
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Cantate Domino Pitoni
Almighty and Everlasting God Gibbons
Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts Cherubini
Hymn to the Trinity Leisring
Alleluia from Brazillian Psalm Berger
Come In and The Telephone from Frostiana Thompson
A-Rovin' Arr. Wagner
Ev'ry Time I Feel de Spirit Arr. Wagner
Festival Song of Praise Mendelssohn
5th Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Choral Festival
Sterling Regional High School
April 22, 1967
James Maxwell, Conductor
Kathy Anderson, Accompanist (Landis Junior High School)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Give to the World, Thy Peace Grant
All in the April Evening Robertson
Go Not Far From Me, O God Zingarelli
He Watching Over Israel Mendelssohn
Come to the Fair Taylor & Martin
Two Windows Graham
Joshua Fit de Battle ob Jericho Spiritual
Selections from South Pacific Rodgers & Hammerstein
10th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Sterling Regional High School
January 27, 1968
Richard M. Smith, Conductor (Audubon High School)
Jane Rowland, Accompanist
The National Anthem Smith-Key
O Sacrum Convivium Marenzio
Adoramus Te, Christe W.A. Mozart
Magnificat Finzi
Come Now, Let Us Be Joyful Vecchi
The Doe Hindemith
Since All Is Passing Hindemith
She Walks In Beauty Foltz
Three Hungarian Folk Songs Seiber
Hallelujah, Amen from Judas Maccabaeus Handel
6th Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Choral Festival
Haddonfield Memorial High School
April 6, 1968
Donald Lang, Conductor (West Deptford High School)
Martha Jean Plasket, Accompanist
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Ave Verum Corpus de Pres
Kittery Billings
Sing Aloud to God, Our Strength Butler
Flower of Beauty Clements
Soon Ah Will Be Done Spiritual
My Fisherman, My Laddy-O Arr. Phillips
Selections from Fiddler On the Roof Arr. Leyden
11th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Highland Regional High School
January 18, 1969
Richard E. Thorne, Conductor (J. W. Pepper & Sons)
Jan Silvers Staub, Accompanist (Glassboro State College)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Ave Verum Corpus Byrd
Psalm 100 Schutz
Evensong Haydn
Three Choral Pieces on 17th Century Poems (I. The Burden and III. My Wishes) Berger
Ezekiel Saw De Wheel W.L. Dawson
Soloist: Martin Bass
Lover Come Back To Me Arr. King
Soloists: Nicholas Muni and Susan Wood
They Call the Wind Maria Lerner & Loewe
Coronation Festival Handel
7th Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Choral Festival
Glassboro Intermediate School
April 19, 1969
Michael Button, Conductor (Washington Township High School)
Charmagne Rhine, Accompanist
If Ye Love Me Tallis
A Child's Book of Beasts (Polar Bear, Hippopotamus, Frog) Berger
Psalm 61 Hovhaness
What Now My Love Arr. King
Hallelujah from The Mount of Olives Beethoven
12th Annual All South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
West Deptford High School
January 17, 1970
Albert Dorhout, Conductor (Governor Livingston Regional High School)
Carol Jaffee and Masako Hayaski, Accompanists
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Sanctus J.S. Bach
Brausten Alle Berge Brahms
Under the Willow Tree Barber
Soloist: Nicholas Muni
Walking on the Green Grass Hennagin
Love In Grief Christiansen
Fugue in D Major Bach-Swingle
Regina Coeli W.A. Mozart
Soloists: Ellen Schofield, Alice McDevitt, Martin Bass, and Nicholas Saverine
Glory Rimsky-Korsakov
8th Annual All South Jersey Junior High School Festival Chorus
Overbrook Regional Junior High School
April 18, 1970
Ernest T. Brahm, Conductor (Hunterton Central High School)
Maryellen Steffy, Accompanist (Pitman High School)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
All Glory Be To God from Gloria Vivaldi
I'd Enter Your Garden Brahms
The Fiddler Brahms
My Heart Is Offered Still To You Lassus
Johnny Schmoker Arr. Dengler-Walton
Selections from Oliver Bart-Leyden
America My Own Cain
13th Annual South Jersey High School Chorus Concert
Millville Senior High School
January 16, 1971
Charles Higgins, Conductor (Princeton Public Schools)
Austin Gould, Accompanist (Bridgeton High School)
The National Anthem Smith-Key
All Breathing Life, Sing and Praise Ye the Lord J.S. Bach
Bless the Lord Ippolitoff-Ivanoff
O God, Our Help in Ages Past Mueller
Soloist: Gary Kimmel
Waters Ripple and Flow Arr. Taylor
Soloists: Marian Stetler and Aaron Gooding
Whoopee Ti Yi Yo Arr. Martin
Scarlet Ribbons Arr. Edwards
Soloist: Charles Blake
Gossip, Gossip Jones-Hairston
He's Got the Whole World In His Hands Arr. Higgins
Soloists: Steven Aley, George Edson, Carmen Muni, and Gwendolynn Dickerson
The Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah Handel
9th Annual All South Jersey Junior High Chorus Festival
Haddonfield Junior School
April 3, 1971
Leland Kuchler, Conductor (West Deptford Junior High School)
Ellie Polocha & John Willey, Accompanists
The Heavens Are Telling from The Creation Haydn
Soloists: Susan Wolfsohn, Edward Hicks Jr., and Larry Brooks
O Bone Jesu Palestrina
Sing, Sing A Song for Me Vecchi
Sheep and Lambs May Safely Graze J.S. Bach
Younger Generation Copland
All Through the Night Arr. Luboff
Comin' Through the Rye Arr. Simeone
Americana, Folk Song Suite Zaninelli
1972 First year for the Junior and Senior High Choruses to perform together
10th Annual All South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Pennsauken High School
February 5, 1972
Richard Carpenter, Director (West Deptford High School)
Catherine Kipp, Accompanist
Gloria in Excelsis W.A. Mozart, Arr. Milkey
Et In Terra Pax Hominibus from Gloria Vivaldi
Hava Nagila Arr. Beckhard
Down By the Riverside Arr. Gardner
Soloists: Debra Shaw and Phyllis Zaharchuk
De Animals a-Comin' Arr. Bartholomew
Everything's Coming Up Roses Styne
Go 'Way From My Window Arr. Zaninelli
Fugue for Tinhorns Loesser
14th Annual South Jersey High School Chorus
Jane M. Stetler, Director (Moorestown High School)
William Shimmin, Accompanist (Sterling Regional High School)
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light J.S. Bach
O Magnum Mysterium Victoria
Mary Wore Three Links of Chain Arr. Clokey
Soloist: Robert Dodelin
My Bonnie Lass Morley
Go Lovely Rose Thiman
In the Beginning of Creation Pinkham
The Last Words of David Thompson
Combined Choruses
Sanctus Gounod
Turn Back O Man Holst
11th Annual All South Jersey Junior Chorus
Haddon Township High School
February 3, 1973
Gordon L. Wilson, Director (Pitman High School)
Susan Lanning & Phyllis Zaharchuk, Accompanists
Chester Billings
Geronimo Myrow
I Lost My Love In Scarlet Town Wilder
Soloist: Tamara Haynes
Old Abram Brown Britten
Sanctus Faure
Three Hungarian Folk Songs Seiber
15th All South Jersey High School Chorus
John Rowland, Director (Edgewood Regional Junior High School)
Jane Rowland, Accompanist
Sicut Cervus Palestrina
Festival Magnificat Pinkham
Il Est Bel, Et Bon Passereau
Good Morning, My Fair One Scandello
Mon Couer Se Recommande A Vous Lassus
Bleeker Street Market Bradley
Never My Love Don & Dick Addrisi
Combined Choruses
With a Voice of Singing Shaw
The Battle Hymn of the Republic Steffe, Arr. Wilhousky
12th South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Haddonfield High School
February 9, 1974
Nelson Muschek, Director (Collingswood High School)
Carol Forman, Accompanist
Clap Your Hands Roberts
Soloist: Frank Shainline
Ave Verum Corpus Saint-Saens
Come Let your Hearts Be Singing Gastoldi
Goin' to Boston Arr. Parker
Poor Man Lazrus Arr. Hairston
Sing Raposo
If I Had a Hammer Arr. Leyden
16th South Jersey Senior High School Chorus
George Strauser, Director (Northern Valley Regional High School at Demerest)
William Shimmin, Accompanist (Sterling Regional High School)
I'm Goin' to Sing Arr. Shaw
Au Joly Bois de Sermisy
Eloquence F.J. Haydn
Flower of Beauty Clements
V tehnom lese Sveshnikov
Seek Not Afar for Beauty Sateren
Deep River Arr. Luboff
Advance Democracy Britten
Combined Choruses
The Last Words of David Thompson
Fanfare for a Festival Nelson
13th South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Overbrook Regional High School
February 8, 1975
Robert Snodgrass, Director (Woodbury High School)
Mark Nester, Accompanist
Old Abram Brown Britten
To Yon Fair Grove de Sermisy
Bourree for Bach Arr. Williams
Here Repose, O Broken Body Pinkham
Kum Ba Yah Arr. Gardner
Were You There? H.T. Burleigh
El Grillo des Pres
Sing Aloud to God, Our Strength Butler
17th South Jersey Senior High Chorus
William Shimmin, Director (Sterling Regional High School)
Robert Wishart, Accompanist (Buena Regional High School)
Haec Dies Byrd
Midsummer Song Delius
Shenandoah Arr. Shimmin
Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter Be? Kubik
For As the Rain Cometh Down Lekberg
Ain'a That Good News W.L. Dawson
And the Glory of the Lord from The Messiah Handel
Have Ye Not Known? and Ye Shall Have a Song from The Peaceable Kingdom Thompson
Combined Choruses
O Sing Your Songs Cain
America, the Beautiful Arr. Page
14th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Haddon Township High School
February 7, 1976
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Richard Key, Director (Hammonton High School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
Psalm 100 Weaver
The Paper Reeds By the Brooks Thompson
Sooh-Ah Will Be Done W.L. Dawson
Margoton Poulenc
O May the Eyes of All Schutz
Both Sides Now Arr. Coates
Now Sing We Joyfully Unto God Young
18th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Gordon L. Wilson, Director (Pitman High School)
Susan K. Lanning, Accompanist
The Road Not Taken Thompson
Ki Mi Tziyon Arr. Luongo
Wondrous Cool Brahms
Ola! O Che Bon Echo di Lasso
For Whom the Bell Tolls Simon
Na Gorushke Na Gore O.P. Kolovski
There Is A Balm In Gilead W.L. Dawson
Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain and The Amen Chorus from Messiah Handel
Combined Choruses
This Is My Country Arr. Scott
George M. Cohen Patriotic Fantasy Arr. Ehret & Yoder
15th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Cherry Hill High School East
February 12, 1977
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Charles Facer, Director (Collingswood Junior High School)
Karen Bala & William Shimmin, Accompanists
Gaudeamus Hodie Sleeth
Cantate Domino Pitoni
Be Thou My Vision Arr. Parker
Soloist: Cathy Hartshaw
Since My Tears and Lamenting Morley
De Animals A-Comin' Arr. Bartholomew
Down the Road Sleeth
19th All-South Jersey Senior High School Chorus
Ralph P. Barclay, Director (Cherry Hill High School West)
Roberta Vassalotti, Accompanist
Martha and-a Mary Arr. Kent
Song of Galilee Chajes
In Stiller Nacht Brahms, Arr. Riegger
Lacrymosa from Requiem W.A. Mozart, Arr. Hoggard
Choose Something Like a Star Thompson
I Ain't Gonna Study War Arr. Luboff
Soloists: Wendy Hinkle and Paul Orlando
Combined Choruses
He Watching Over Israel from Elijah Mendelssohn
How Excellent Is Thy Name Butler
16th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Pennsauken High School
February 11, 1978
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Karen Scepansky, Director (Overbrook Regional High School)
Joanne Stephenson, Accompanist
Simple Gifts Arr. Pooler
Movin' On Hannisian
Soloist: Patti Butler
Brighten My Soul with Sunshine Eilers
Come, My Soul, Tis Time for Waking Mendelssohn, Arr. Hart
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme Coates
Give Thanks Unto the Lord Sanders-Davidson
20th Annual All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Richard M. Smith, Director (Audubon High School)
Carol Colalillo, Accompanist
Exultate Justi Viadana
Missa O Magnum Mysterium (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Benedictus) Victoria
Good Morning, My Fair One Scandello
Like As the Culver on the Bared Bough Stevens
Old Joe Has Gone Fishing Britten
Combined Choruses
Ode to Music Butler
O Clap Your Hands Vaughn Williams
17th All-South Jersey Junior High School Chorus
Bridgeton High School
February 3, 1979
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Edgar Schierer, Director (Fisher Junior High School)
Sandy Cramer, Accompanist
Sing, Sing A Song for Me Vecchi, Arr. Greuson
Shalom Chaverim Arr. J. Scott
Winter Song Bullard, Arr. Schierer
Go 'Way from My Window Arr. Zaninelli
This Old Hammer Arr. Ehret
Ride the Chariot Arr. W.H. Smith
21st All-South Jersey Senior High School Chorus
Michael Button, Director (Washington Township High School)
John Sawoski, Accompanist
Sing We And Chant It Morley
The Promise of Living from The Tender Land Copland
Ezekiel Saw the Wheel W.L. Dawson
The Lamb Chorbajan
Almighty and Everlasting God Gibbons
Yesterday Arr. Kerr
Song of Democracy Hanson
Combined Choruses
Onward Ye Peoples Sibelius, Arr. Lefebvre
Hallelujah from Mount of Olives Beethoven
18th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Glassboro State College
February 9, 1980
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Helen Donnelly, Director (Gateway Regional High School)
Accompanists: Carol Lanning, Sandra Cramer, and Mia Gibson
Alleluia Boyce
Mon Coeur Se Recommande Vous di Lasso
Every Valley Beck
First, We Must Be Friends Emerson
Poor Man Lazrus Hairston
Kyrie F.J. Haydn
22nd All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Charles Facer, Director (Hammonton High School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
Psalm 100 Schutz
Je Ne Fus Jamais Si Aise Jannequin
Misericordias Domini W.A. Mozart
Somewhere from West Side Story Bernstein
Soloists: Karen Stumpp and George North
This Is the Day Beebe
Combined Choruses
All Creatures of Our God and King Arr. Parker
19th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Haddon Township High School
February 7 & 8, 1981
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Helen Russ, Director (Haddon Township High School)
Accompanists: Mia Gibson, Angela Harvey, Guy Scott
Alleluia Harris
Before the Sun Goes Down W.L. Dawson
Go For Baroque Strommen
Ride the Chariot Arr. Smith
Rounds of Israel Arr. DeCormier
Longer Fogelberg
Rhythm of Life Arr. Barnes
23rd All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Robert Snodgrass, Director (Woodbury High School)
Accompanists: Brenda Ahearn, Gisele Marie Aubrey, Celeste Wagner
Adoramus Te Palestrina
Sixty-Seventh Psalm Ives
Three Hungarian Folk Songs (In the Village, Boatman! Boatman! and See the Roses) Bartok
De Animals A-Comin' Arr. Bartholomew
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Arr. Metis
Send in the Clowns Sondheim
Flower of Beauty Clements
Begone Dull Care Arr. Jacob
Combined Choruses
Battle Hymn of the Republic Arr. Ringwald
20th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Bridgeton High School
February 6 & 7, 1982
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Robert Futer, Director (Woodruff School)
Jay Snyder, Accompanist
Sing We and Chant It Morley
The Gift of Song Ingalis, Arr. Ades
Sing Out Sweet Land Morris
Cantate Domino Pitoni
Go Not Far From Me Zingarelli
Hallelujah, Amen from Judas Maccabaeus Handel
24th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Karen Scepansky, Director (Overbrook Regional High School)
Joanne Stephenson, Accompanist
O Praise the Lord Bernadi
For As the Rain Cometh Down Lekberg
I'm Goin' To Sing Parker
O Bone Jesu Palestrina
O Domine Jesu Christe Palestrina
Corner of the Sky from Pippin Arr. Cacavas
Beauty Adams-Nelson
A Celebration Wagner
Combined Choruses
This Is My Country Arr. Ringwald
1983 25th Annual Choral Festival
21st All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Moorestown High School
February 5 & 6, 1983
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Katherine C. Murphy, Director (Paulsboro High School)
Helen Donnelly, Accompanist (Gateway Regional High School)
El Grillo des Pres
O Occhi Manza Mia di Lasso
The Water Is Wide Zaninelli
Elijah Rock Arr. Hairston
Mister Sandman Arr. Lojeski
It's Time For Movin' On Besig
25th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Edgar L. Wallace, Director (Westfield)
Jay Snyder, Accompanist (Hopewell Township High School)
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light J.S. Bach
Sing to the Lord a Marvelous Song Butler
Exultate Deo Scarlatti
Two Kings Clokey
Mon Coeur Se Recommande A Vous di Lasso
I Never Saw A Moor Butler
Choose Something Like A Star Thompson
Soon-Ah Will Be Done W.L. Dawson
Combined Choruses
A Hymn of Freedom Thiman
Turn Back O Man Holst
1984 Inaugural Year for the Elementary Honor choir
22nd All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Penns Grove High School
February 4 & 5, 1984
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Nancy L. Knorr, Director (Pennsville Memorial High School)
Patricia Bullock, Accompanist (Salem High School)
Gloria Vivaldi
At the River Copland
All Ye Who Music Donato
The Stars Are with the Voyager D. Wagner
Stodola Pumpa Arr. Field
Once Upon A Rainbow Carter
26th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Jeanette T. Hile, Director (Seton Hall University)
William Shimmin, Accompanist (Sterling Regional High School)
Jubilate Deo di Lasso
I Love My Love Holst
Deep River Arr. Ringwald
O Be Joyful in the Lord Muro
The Dark Eyed Sailor Vaughn Williams
Walking On the Green Grass Hennagin
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? Arr. Smith
Combined Choruses
Battle Hymn of the Republic Arr. Wilhowsky
1st Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Gloucester City High School
March 10, 1984
Mary Jane Wishart, Director (Durand Elementary)
Jane Rowland, Accompanist (Aura Elementary)
We Want to Sing Emerson
The World goes Rolling On Kingsley
Who Killed Cock Robin? Bertaux
Promised Land Sleeth
Mah-na Mah-na from Sesame Street Umiliani
Ave Verum Corpus Mozart
Flying Free Besig
Ride the Chariot Krone
Soloist: Darlene Washington
23rd All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Washington Township High School
February 2 & 3, 1985
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Patricia Bullock, Director (Salem High School)
Nancy Knorr, Accompanist (Pennsville Memorial High School)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring J.S. Bach
Thanks Be To Thee Handel
Seeds Grow To Plants Rutter
Follow Rain and Rivers Gielas
Gossip, Gossip Hairston
Climbin' Up the Mountain Arr. Smith
27th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
James S. Davis, Director (Penns Grove Regional High School)
Austin P. Gould, Accompanist
Just As The Tide Was Flowing Vaughn Williams
Alleluia Thompson
Always On My Mind Thompson/James/Christopher
Frostiana (Come In and The Pasture) Thompson
O Vos Omnes Victoria
He Watching Over Israel from Elijah Mendelssohn
Ain'a That Good News W.L. Dawson
Combined Choruses
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee Beethoven
2nd Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Overbrook Regional High School
March 9, 1985
Sarah Rowand, Director (Haviland & Mansion Avenue Schools)
Jane Rowland, Accompanist (Aura Elementary)
Gonna Rise Up Singin' Besig
The Trout Schubert, Arr. Harris
Look for the Joy Knox, Arr. Wilson
Prayer from Hansel and Gretel Humperdinck
Music Moves Me! Artman, Arr. Russell
Joshua Fit de Battle ob Jericho Arr. Howorth
Walk Tall Strommen
Sing for America Arr. Marsh
24th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Cherry Hill High School West
February 1 & 2, 1986
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Mary Jane Wishart, Director (Durand Elementary School)
Robert Wishart, Accompanist (Buena Regional High School)
Ave Verum Corpus W.A. Mozart
Sine Nomine Vaughn Williams
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? Arr. Boberg
Glorificamus Te Butler
Down By The Riverside Arr. Craig
America the Beautiful Arr. Nelson
Like An Eagle Strommen
28th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Clarence W. Miller, Director (Glassboro State College)
William Shimmin, Accompanist (Sterling Regional High School)
Fanfare For A Festival Nelson
The Silver Swan Gibbons
A Little White Hen Scandello
The Sixty-Seventh Psalm Ives
Lullabies and Night Songs: Set One Wilder, Arr. Lang
Geronimo Arr. Ades
Over By The Bay Kunz
Saint Louis Blues Handy
Combined Choruses
How Excellent Is Thy Name Butler
3rd Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Gloucester City High School
March 8, 1986
Mary Dinteman, Director (Pine Acres Elementary)
Joseph Holt, Accompanist
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Fill the World with a Song Pote
A Gentle Alleluia Monteverdi, Arr. Edwards
Two Schubert Songs (Wandering and The Wanderer's Night Song) Schubert, Arr. Tappan
Two Bartok Songs Bartok, Arr. Suchoff
The Lion and the Unicorn Harris
Ain't Gonna Grieve Arr. Artman
If You Try Besig & Price
Bach-A-Rock J.S. Bach, Arr. Artman
Tribute to America Strommen
25th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Bridgeton High School
February 7 & 8, 1987
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Gordon L. Wilson, Director (Pitman High School)
Nancy Knorr, Accompanist (Pennsville Memorial High School)
With A Voice Of Singing Shaw
Three Hungarian Folksongs Seiber
The Stars Are With The Voyager D. Wagner
Simple Gifts Copland
Down by the Riverside Gardner
Rhythm of Life Barnes
Climb Every Mountain from The Sound of Music Rogers & Hammerstein
29th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Connie Zopfi, Director (Cinnaminson High School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
Sing Unto God Handel
Listen To The Lambs Dett
Three Scottish Folk Songs (O Whistle and I'll Come to Ye and I'll Ay Call in By Yon Town) Wilberg
Banquet Fugue Rutter
Somewhere from West Side Story Sondheim & Bernstein
Soloists: Carol Winzinger and Aaron Krasting
Go Out With Joy Beebe
Combined Choruses
Battle Hymn of the Republic Arr. Wilhowsky
4th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Woodbury High School
March 14, 1987
Lois M. Stick, Director (Pennsauken Middle School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
We're On Top Price & Besig
All the Pretty Little Horses Arr. Artman
Simple Gifts Copland
Music Turns Me On North
Clouds Fournier & Crupi
I Got A Shoes Arr. Artman
I Am But A Small Voice Batnag & Whittaker, Arr. Coates
26th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Washington Township High School
February 6 & 7, 1988
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Nancy L. Knorr, Director (Pennsville Memorial High School)
Patricia Bullock, Accompanist (Salem High School)
Joy Carter
Sanctus from Requiem Mass Cherubini
Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name Dennard
Come Follow Me Besig
When I Was Single Hardwicke
America...The Dream Goes On Williams
30th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Richard M. Smith, Director (Audubon High School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
O Sacrum Convivium Marenzio
Jesu, Meine Freude J.S. Bach
Missa O Magnum Mysterium (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Benedictus) Victoria
Fa Una Canzona Vecchi
Like As The Culver On the Bared Bough Stevens
Walking On The Green Grass Hennagin
My Spirit Sang All Day Finzi
Combined Choruses
Hymn of Freedom Thiman
5th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Pennsauken Middle School
March 12, 1988
Alana J. Hufford, Director (M. E. Costello School)
William Yerkes, Accompanist (West Deptford High School)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Alexander's Ragtime Band Berlin
Amazing Grace Beck
Hats Beebe
As Long As I Have Music Besig
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Ray & Prince
Ave Verum Corpus Mozart
The Battle Hymn of the Republic Howe
27th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Penns Grove High School
February 4 & 5, 1989
The National Anthem Smith-Key
Robert A. Faunce, Director (West Deptford High School)
Karen Scepansky & Joyce Ellis, Accompanists
Gloria In Excelsis from Gloria Vivaldi
Every Valley Beck
Misty Morning Nygard
Heroes and Dreamers Kershner
Premiere Performance: piece arranged specifically for the 1989 All South Jersey Junior High Chorus
O' Occhi Manza Mia di Lasso
Harriet Tubman Robinson, Arr. Coates
Keep Your Lamps! Arr. Thomas
31st All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Helen Stanley, Director (Gateway Regional High School)
Rosalind Metcalf, Accompanist (Millville Memorial High School)
Cantate Domino Hassler
Fair Maid, thy Charm And Loveliness Hassler
Lacrymosa from Requiem W.A. Mozart
With You Schwartz, Arr. Mountford
Follow Your Star D. Wagner
Preludium Rodgers & Hammerstein
Soloists: Shirell Brady, Nancy Heilman, and Maila Traczyk
The Neighbor's Chorus Offenbach
Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit W.L. Dawson
Soloists: Rock Colasurdo, Dominic Inferrera
Combined Choruses
One Voice Manilow, Arr. Billingsley
Soloist: Aaron Krasting
6th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Kingsway Regional High School
March 11, 1989
Joseph W. Powell, Director (Oaklyn School)
Christine Casino, Accompanist
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Do-Re-Mi Rodgers & Hammerstein, Arr. Warnick
All Through the Night Arr. Kauffmann
Velvet Shoes Thompson
Friends to the End Althouse
Go With A Song In Your Heart Besig
Corner of the Sky Schwartz, Arr. Cacavas
Freedom Udell & Geld
America Emerson
28th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Washington Township High School
February 3 & 4, 1990
The National Anthem Arr. Johnson
Lois M. Stick, Director (Pennsauken Middle School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
Jubilation, Celebration! Poorman
As Long As I Have Music Besig/Price
Cantate Domino Pitoni
Go 'Way From My Window Arr. Zaninelli
Beauty Adams, Arr. Nelson
And We Sing Gloria Althouse
Let Freedom Ring Harris
32nd All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Dr. Dean Simpson, Director (Northern Valley Regional High School)
Rosalind Metcalf, Accompanist (Millville Memorial High School)
Almighty God Of Our Fathers James
Annie Laurie Arr. Mansfield
Russian Picnic Enders
Ave Maria Victoria, Arr. Wilhousky
Oliver! Bart, Arr. Leyden
Ain't-A-That Good News! W.L. Dawson
Combined Choruses
How Excellent Is Thy Name Butler
7th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
West Deptford High School
March 10, 1990
Robert Snodgrass, Director (Woodbury Jr/Sr High School)
Beverly Bennett, Accompanist
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Dona Nobis Pacem Mozart
I'd Enter Your Garden Brahms
How Sad Flow the Streams Brahms
A Child's Book of Beasts (The Yak and The Hippopotamus) Berger
Please Don't Smoke Strommen
The Deaf Woman's Courtship Richardson
Sassafras Tea Snyder
Music Turns Me On North
29th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Cherry Hill High School East
February 2 & 3, 1991
The National Anthem Arr. Johnson
Jac Madsen, Director (Northern Burlington Regional High School)
Rosalind Metcalf, Accompanist (Millville Memorial High School)
Hosanna! Shaw
Grant Us Peace Scott
Sing Out A New Song Vecchi
Agnus Dei Porterfield
All That Life Can Be Besig
Long, Long Ago Eilers
Alleluia! Sing With Joy Dave & Jean Perry
With A Voice Of Singing Shaw
33rd All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Charles Paul, Director (Hammonton High School)
Helen Stanley, Accompanist (Gateway Regional High School)
Nagarouske Nagore Kolovski
Misericordia Domini Durante, Arr. Matterling
The Last Words of David Thompson
My Bonnie Lass She Smelleth P.D.Q Bach
My Lord What A Mornin' Burleigh
Carmina Burana (Excerpts) Orff
Combined Choruses
Hallelujah, Amen from Judas Maccabeus Handel
8th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Millville High School
March 16, 1991
Debbie Permito, Director (Holly Heights & Rieck Avenue Schools)
Rosalind Metcalf, Accompanist (Millville Memorial High School)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
A Girls Garden Thompson
Somewhere Out There Arr. Lojeski
Anything Arr. Kerr
Canon In D Arr. Goemanne
Friend Medley Arr. Permito
30th All-South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Bridgeton High School
February 1 & 2, 1992
The National Anthem Arr. Johnson
Fabiene Hunter Brown, Director (Cinnaminson Middle School)
Cheryl Robinson, Accompanist
Jubilate Deo Althouse
Come Unto Me Barr
Every Night When the Sun Goes In Arr. Gardner
They Can't Take That Away From Me Gershwin, Arr. Shaw
Kumbaya Arr. Sjolund
Ain'-A that Good News! Arr. W.L. Dawson
Clap Your Hands Roberts
Baritone Solo: James Graves
34th All-South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Lisa B. Wilson, Director (Cherry Hill High School East)
John L. Wilson, Accompanist
Gloria (Mvmts I, II, III) Rutter
Soloists: Miran Yoon, Debbie Kruse, Noella Barbera
Danny Boy Arr. Flummerfelt
Let Me Fly Arr. DeCormier
Soloist: Scott Sparks
Combined Choruses
When the Saints Go Marching In Arr. Rutter
9th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Pennsauken Middle School
March 7, 1992
Patricia A. Januszewski, Director (Oakview & Redbank Schools)
Theresa Savage, Accompanist (Evergreen Avenue & West End Memorial Schools)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Make a Song for My Heart to Sing Knowles
Kum Ba Ya Arr. D. Wagner
Chase Your Blues Away Simms
Jamaica Farewell Arr. Althouse
Non Nobis, Domine D. Wagner
The Ash Grove Arr. Vance
Cripple Creek Arr. Crocker
Let Freedom Sing! Lightfoot
31st South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Eastern Senior High School
February 6 & 7, 1993
The National Anthem Key
Stephen Beddia, Director (Egg Harbor Township Middle School)
Vicki Butler, Accompanist
Look Out! We're On Our Way Lightfoot
Welcome Here DeCormier
He's Gone Away D. Wagner
O Sing For Joy W.A. Mozart, Arr. Hopson
Someday Dunn, Arr. Lantz
Sanctus from Mariazellermesse F.J. Haydn
The Good Earth Strommen
Shepherd Me, Lord Kingsley, Arr. Knight
35th South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Debra M. Vanneman, Director (Rancocas Valley Regional High School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
Lebenslust Schubert
Ubi Caritas Durufle
Soldier's Song from The Lark Bernstein
Like As the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks Howells
Orkney Lullaby Schultz
John Saw Duh Numbah Arr. Parker & Shaw
More Than You Know Youmans, Arr. Zegrec
Shenandoah Arr. Erb
Hallelujah from Mount of Olives Beethoven
Combined Choruses
The Star Spangled Banner Finale Arr. Higgins
10th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Egg Harbor Township Middle School
March 13, 1993
David VanAntwerp, Director (Chestnut Ridge School)
Frances Barber, Accompanist (R. W. Kershaw School)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Simple Gifts Ad. Copland
Wind on the Hill Ebel-Sabo
Solfeggio Maxwell, Arr. Wilson
Pick A Bale O' Cotton Arr. Terhune
The Great Meat Pie Arr. Thygerson
The Lion and the Lamb Grier & Everson
When Cats Run Home Thiman
Sixteen Tons Thygerson
32nd South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Middle Township High School
February 5 & 6, 1994
The National Anthem Key
Robert Wishart, Director (Buena Regional High School)
Rosalind Metcalf, Accompanist (Millville Memorial High School)
Lord of Hosts, We Praise You Forever Hayden, Arr. Hopson
Gloria Ray
Bye Bye Blues Arr. The Barbertones
Who Are the Brave? Williams & Martin
Time After Time Cahn & Styne
Shenandoah Arr. Sciangalepore
Celebrate America! Brymer
36th South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Jac Madsen, Director (Northern Burlington Regional High School)
Karen Scepansky, Accompanist (Overbrook Regional High School)
Come, Let Your Hearts Be Singing Gastoldi
Three Motets (Thus Saith the Lord, Peace I Leave With You, I Will Praise Thee, O Lord) Nystedt
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind Rutter
Il Est Bel Et Bon Passereau
Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter Be? Kubik
Steal Away To Jesus Arr. Thoburn
They Call the Wind Maria Lerner & Loewe
Upon This Rock Beck
Combined Choruses
Joy In the Morning Sleeth
11th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
West Deptford High School
March 12, 1994
Gail Rodger, Director (Sea Isle & Avalon Elementary Schools)
Caroline Morris, Accompanist (Upper Township Middle School)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
Alleluia from Cantata No. 142 J.S. Bach, Arr. LeFebvre
Good Night Arr. Rao
Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name Arr. Dennard
The Water Is Wide Arr. Zaninelli
Orpheus With His Lute Vaughn Williams
The Gypsy Rover Arr. Vance
Ching-A-Ring Chaw Copland
Over the Rainbow Arr. Snyder
33rd South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Pennsauken High School
February 4 & 5, 1995
The National Anthem Key
Jonathan Dalton, Director (Kingsway Regional High School)
Diana Donat, Accompanist
Gloria In Excelsis Althouse
Three Contemporary Latin Settings (Kyrie, Adoramus Te, Gloria in Excelsis Deo) Estes
Good Timber Grows Emerson
The Calliope from Songs of a Prospector Chatman
Bring Him Home from Les Miserables Schonberg
Ticket to the Kingdom Moore
37th South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Robert A. Faunce, Director (West Deptford High School)
Nancy Knorr, Accompanist
The Peaceable Kingdom Thompson
I. Say Ye To The Righteous
II. Woe Unto Them
III. The Noise of a Multitude
IV. Howl Ye
V. The Paper Reeds by the Brooks
VI. But These Are They That Forsake the Lord (recit)
For Ye Shall Go Out With Joy
VII. Have Ye Not Known?
VIII. Ye Shall Have a Song
Combined Choruses
Jacob's Ladder Arr. Newbury
12th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
Howard M. Phifer Middle School
March 11, 1995
Dr. Lili Levinowitz, Director (Rowan College)
Theresa Savage, Accompanist (Evergreen Ave, Walnut St, and West End Memorial Schools)
The National Anthem Arr. Smith
How Brightly Shines the Morning Skies J.S. Bach, Arr. LeFebvre
White Feathers Raminsh
Two Tongue Twisters (Moses' Toses and Betty Botter's Butter) A. Foster
The Birds Britten
Hashivenu Arr. Rao
Simple Gifts Arr. Copland
Ching-A-Ring Chaw Copland
Dormi, Dormi Arr. Goetze
34th South Jersey Junior High Chorus
Bridgeton High School
February 10 & 11, 1996
The National Anthem Key
Judith E. Gollihur, Director (Williamstown High School)
Mary Jane Morey, Accompanist (Brigantine North School)
Alleluia Harris
Laudate Dominum Victoria
Cum Sancto Spiritu Lotti
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho Arr. Mauldin
Aura Lee Arr. Martin
Summertime Arr. Hunter
Friends Arr. Brymer
The Road Not Taken Thompson
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Arr. Metis
38th South Jersey Senior High Chorus
Christine Bass, Director (Cherry Hill High School West)
Lisa B. Wilson, Accompanist (Cherry Hill High School East)
Kyrie Eleison from Mass V Lotti
Ave Verum Corpus W.A. Mozart
Dona Nobis Pacem from Mass in B Minor J.S. Bach
The Last Words of David Thompson
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? Arr. Ringwald
Let Us Sing to the Lord Moyer
Polly-Wolly-Doodle Kubik
Who Is Silvia? P.D.Q. Bach
Bridge Over Troubled Water Arr. K. Shaw
Combined Choruses
With A Voice Of Singing M. Shaw
13th Annual Elementary Festival Chorus
George L. Hess Educational Complex
March 16, 1996
Caroline Collins Morris, Director (Upper Township Middle School)
William Chamberlin, Accompanist
The National Anthem Arr. Smith